White Racist,So this is how it must feel to get away with doing wrong to a nonwhite child

Can’t believe Google search engine found this after so many years? Statute of limitations ran out & the cover up playbook stands true.

jose's space

How could I have confessed to procedurely helping to deny an innocent child of his civil rights and not be persecuted by local police,state attorney general’s office who have a signed confession or the feds. I see why racism has taken a longtime to die in this country. The system condones the wrong you do when you have a little bit of authority. Thank God I have been investigated so many times and found innocent or was I given a pass for being a part of the system. Vic Mackey wouldn’t confess to the wrong he’s done to no one let alone confess to almost every law enforcement official who could have jurisdiction like I have done. It almost makes me feel white and racist to know I have gotten away with this. What evil lies in those who help to hide my sin,They can’t see it but I can…

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About Gotaway2liveagain

I am a repented man who regrets in partaking in the great american tradition of framing. For the last 20 years prosecution over civil rights violation has been at 4% & not higher. The election of black president & the appointment of a black U.S. Attorney General didn't rise prosecutions. I had to win the lottery to be prosecuted for helping frame Jose Cuevas.
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